It’s a Tuesday, but it feels like a Monday around here since my husband had Columbus Day off. He had already left this morning when Hambet woke up, so we had tears first thing in the morning — “Where’s my daddy? I want my daddy!”
I’m very happy with the paint job in the kitchen. The fresh paint on the trim (Behr high gloss Ultra White) looks very cheerful next to the yellow.
We had contractors in last week to install a drainage system in our basement. (They were not the ones recommended to us by Mr. L, the contractor we turn to for carpentry and other Prussian Green Money Pit needs. Angel of God, my Guardian Dear, slap me silly upside my ear, if I ever again from Mr L’s advice veer.) I would be happy to advise Beltway bloggers as to who NOT to choose to install their drainage systems.
It’s a long story and one that causes steam to come out of my ears, but, after six days of dirt piles and broken promises, the contractors finally finished yesterday evening. I am so glad to be rid of them and have the house to myself again. And I’m glad to turn this tale over to my husband. (We have not ruled out small-claims court.)
In other news, thank you all for prayers for my grandma. She is out of the hospital and back on the farm. It sounds like she has reluctantly consented to “companion care” — having a aide around during the day just to help keep an eye on things. So we’ll see how that works out. My mom and her brothers and sisters are trying hard to come up with solutions that will allow grandma to stay on the farm as long as she can.
And finally, baseball. I don’t follow this sport at all, but even I heard about the fight on Saturday. I just want to say that I can’t remember the last time hockey coaches jumped off the bench and got involved in a scrap.