
I am a little frustrated with Weight Watchers because I am really not sure how many points I should eat. I can eat 30 points a day and lose. I can actually eat a little bit more than 30 and lose more , but I am not sure how much more before it is too much more. I am also not sure how much under 30 points I can eat and still lose. The 20 points my Weight Watchers leader-person insists I am supposed to eat because my nursling does not nurse exclusively is unrealistic unless I pass out. For example, if I do not lumberack it up at breakfast, by 10:30 AM, I am shakey, sweaty and seeing stars. An example of my “lumberjack” breakfast is one bowl of oatmeal made with half a cup of oats, 1 tablespoon of blackstrap molasses (iron) and two tablespoons of flax (omega fatty acids and fiber). That is four points, One orange, another point. Maybe a piece of light bread toast and margarine and a cup of coffee simply for pleasure, another 3 points. That would leave me with 12 points for the rest of the day, which I think is too low for a nursing Mom.
I asked my WW person again about this, and she really thinks I am trying to sneak a few extra points in there. She is very nice, but is oblivious to the concept of a nursing two year old who really takes calories from you. Anyway, I would like to have some extra points for Thanksgiving, but not sure how low is too low to bank or how high I can go on Thursday. My normal pre-nursing course of action is to starve all day on Thanksgiving until dinner, but again, I would be passed out if I attempted that now.


  1. Pansy, I’m not really into calorie restriction diets, but how can 20 points be enough for anyone on a daily basis? Is that not roughly 1000 calories? I’ve no idea of your height and frame, but even ignoring the nursing, you take care of four kids.
    And I don’t think starving before Thanksgiving dinner is necessary, just eating normally. I think a remotely healthy person can handle a single feast without depriving herself before or after.

  2. I really think you have a leader who doesn’t know what’s going on.
    Unless they’ve changed the points mightily with the Flexpoints thing, each point used to be worth *roughly* 50 calories. If there were a lot of fiber attached, it could be more, no fiber, less.
    NO WAY can you exist on 20 points per day without becoming a maniac.

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