1. Dear Peony,
    Thank you so much for the prayers. They are truly appreciated. A call from home this morning suggests that Samuel is doing much better, but these things go in cycles, so I restrain my optimism while giving free-reign to my hope.

  2. Poor Samuel! Davey’s tummy bug was bad enough without getting to that point. Prayed for the Riddles…

  3. Awwwwwwwwwwww, poor little BooBoo! My oldest son (2 years)had that at the same time I did and his Mother did, and we were all just miserable. Luckily our youngest (5months) didnt get it.
    But our next-door-neighbors daughter got it and had to be hospitalized with an IV to get better too! Samuel & family are in my prayers (my youngest is named Samuel too!).

  4. Steven,
    I am glad things are looking up, poor little guy. I hope this does not give you a false sense of optimism, but this happened to Fastolph when he was, let’s see, it was the January before I was pregnant with Gorbulas, so he must have been around 20 months old. He got a bug and the doctors kept telling me not to give him anything except a teaspoon of the syrup from canned fruit once an hour. It was not even 24 hours that we brought him to the ER (not under their directions) and he had to be rehydrated. Soon he was good as new-and we found a new doctor.

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