Habby Derbay!

Gorbulas is three! He is my baby and he is three already! How did this happen? His brothers made him cards out of construction paper and crayons and said “Happy Birthday Gorbulas!” to which he exclaimed “Oh, habby derbay!” He also got a nifty kid sized X-Wing fighter.
He is so cute. He still has a little squeaky voice and that wobbly walk toddlers have. My brother swears he is evil because he glares at everyone. But I’m his Mama so I can’t help but to love him.


  1. He doesn’t do it as much as he used to, but he used to wait until you left the room and glare at me.

  2. He’s not evil per se, he’s gotten rather charming in the past few weeks. My girlfriend loves that he always says “Where’s Dowa?”

  3. Alex: I understand now. Gorbulas is in fact angelic. It is the evil in yourself he is sensing and so glares at you.

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