still alive

holy cow, it’s snowing, and at a respectable clip! I wasn’t expecting the snow to start until this afternoon. If I’m going to make that grocery run I’d better get going.
It’s been a busy week, mostly getting ready for Ruby, but also doing various frivolous projects. The daybed turned out to be quite a tale. I made a spontaneous trip to IKEA with a friend last Thursday, and they told me that they would get the bed in in a couple of days. So dh and I went back and arranged to have it delivered, and it arrived on Monday. It took a few hours to assemble (we had to correct a few mistakes) but we finished the main part Monday and I finished the drawers yesterday. I replaced the dark brown hardware with pretty brushed brass knobs. I am quite pleased. I’m almost finished washing the linens. Then I’ll hang a few pictures and we’ll be all set. I’m expecting Ruby on Friday. I hope she doesn’t run into bad weather. Would appreciate prayers for her safety — she sets out tomorrow. She’ll drive from Kansas City to Indiana and stay with my sister, and then Friday she’ll do the Indiana-Maryland leg of her trip.
I am getting frustrated looking for little things for feathering the nest — rugs, lamps, and mirrors are proving the most difficult. All I want is a mirror to hang over Hambet’s dresser so that he can brush his hair (when he’s tall enough.) I just want a simple oval mirror in a dark wood frame. But I’m having a hard time finding one. Lamps and rugs are proving difficult too. I like clear colors and brass, but right now it seems everyone’s showing muddy “global-look” colors and dark metals.


  1. I have had success finding simple, wood mirrors at antique shops. In my experience they are no more expensive than new ones, sometimes cheaper, and much better quality. It’s always a good excuse for a little browsing. good luck

  2. For a mirror I would try finding a picture frame you like. IKEA, Michaels even KMart or Target has a pretty good selection. Then take it to a glass place (look in the phone book) and have them cut and insert a mirror. It really isn’t expensive – just more running around. Lamps I have the same problem. We walk around here squinting because I can’t find lamps I like.
    Happy hunting…

  3. I have found some wonderful stuff to feather with at thrift stores (St Vinnies, GoodWill, Salvation Army, etc) – seriously! Throw rugs, crocheted afghans, lampbases (you usually have to buy a shade, though). Right now Target has a weird and wonderful assortment of imported furniture that is worth looking over if you have no objections to shopping there.

  4. Hoping Ruby made it in safely with all of this insane snow… and assuming the posting’s been scarce because you’re enjoying your company!

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