
I saw George Felos’ press conference at 2.30 this afternoon talking about the importance of “Mrs. Schiavo’s peaceful death process” and whine about Father Pavone’s straight arrow comments-“he was using the pulpit as an idealogue and was very harsh…” Oh boo hoo! You starve an innocent woman to death and cry that someone disagrees with you. Do people actually believe this crap?
Next week George Felos is going to be before Judge Greer claiming our blue sky is purple and then we’ll have a NYT gallop poll stating 70% of Americans agree the sky is in fact purple, and only crazy right wing Christians see the sky is blue.


  1. What is wrong with the world that people can’t see what’s wrong with killing the helpless?

  2. What I want to know is; how are we going to let this whole thing change us? Do we just go back to being the people we were before, or do we foster an even deeper sense of caring for our fellow man than we had before?
    Do we allow the negative and the misanthropic to dictate how we react, or do we look for some shred of decency in it all, and use that as a weapon?
    Think about it for a moment; we sat by and waited for her to die these two weeks, agonizing day by agonizing day. How many other people died of starvation during that time that we COULD have helped? How many babies went without milk? What are we going to do about it? We’ll tell ourselves that Terri didnt die in vain, but what are willing to do to prove it?
    Dont you think that it would be fitting to remember her by helping others, to allow her memory and legacy to continue in such a grand fashion?

  3. How many other people died of starvation during that time that we COULD have helped? How many babies went without milk? What are we going to do about it?
    How many of those babies that died without milk did so under a court order? That’s the travesty in this case and I think it means we have to look at the laws that supported this and work to change those.

  4. Steve,
    Please do not make the mistake in assuming that those of us who are outspoken and emotional about this issue are people who ignore other social justice issues. I know that is a common mainstream media misconception (“all those pro-lifers who are anti-choice could care less about children after they’re born…” for example). At least in context of my family and friends this just is not true. All these issues are at the root respect for God’s children. But like Elena said, this woman was starved to death under court order which is out right barbaric.

  5. We have, unfortunately for some time, been living
    in a time where many things that are good are
    called bad and vice versa. What is good and
    morally right does not change, even if people
    act as if it did.

  6. I am with Steve, 7 million children die each year due to starvation. Where is the moral outrage over that? The only person who has kept a level head has been JP II who spoke loud and clear about the sins of the rich nations in depriving the poor nations of what they need.
    I will miss this Pope, but I hope we will continue his legacy of fighting for the poor and needy. While we needed to fight for Terri, all the more do we need to fight for those millions of babies who die due to starvation.
    We need to keep fighting, not just for Terri, but for all those who die silently with no one to talk about them.
    So lets get on it everyone, lets start writing, praying and speeking out for these children because they too deserve food and life.

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