More Rosey-Poseyisms

“If you give a Matthew a muffin, then he’ll ask for a glass of milk. Then he’ll ask for a straw…and um, just make your life horrible until he leaves.”


  1. That sounds about right. However, he does seem to like me more than he used to. I get less of the evil glares that make him look like he’s plotting something.

  2. Bwaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa!
    We’re not quite there yet, McKid is only 2 1/2, but she does say the *oddest* things. Yesterday, it was:
    “Mommy Terry, Which do you like better? Iced tea or potties?”
    I’m not sure I know the answer to that.

  3. Oh, have you been to my house lately? lol Of course with me, this always happens right after I have settled on the couch with a good book, have begun balancing the checkbook, or have a huge load of laundry in my hands.

  4. My fifteen year old does the “Can you bring me something to eat?” “Can I have a glass of milk with a straw?” stuff.
    My two year old says, “I crying.”
    Me: “Why are you crying?”
    Him: “Because I crying.”
    Me: “Why do you want to do that?”
    Him: “Because yes.”

  5. Oh, Nancy, it must be a two year old thing:
    Me: WHY did you do that?
    McKid: Because I did!
    Well, now there’s an answer to love.

  6. He must not understand the Why question, but he asks it all the time.
    “That’s a school bus.”
    “That’s a man.”
    “What sound giraffe make?”
    “I don’t think a giraffe makes a sound.”
    “Because it just doesn’t.”
    “Where Daddy go?”
    “Daddy’s at work.”
    “So he can make money to buy food to feed us.”
    “Because your sister eats 3 jars a pepperoncini a week and you’re a muffin addict.”
    “Heaven only knows!”

  7. at our house gabby’s going through the “but i WANN it” phase.
    “i wann ice keem.”
    “we don’t have any, honey.”
    “but i wann it.”
    “well, we don’t have any.”
    “but i waannnnnn it!”
    i wonder if that would work any better with the bank.
    “i want a million dollars.”
    “but you can’t have it.”
    “but i waannnnnn it!”

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