Please Forgive My Absence

I am having a hard time being online lately because the Internet is a hot bed for spreading the lies surrounding Terri.
Our culture is in a worse state than I thought.


  1. It has been a wakeup call to what we thought was a country increasingly pro-life. The country might be increasingly against abortion, but it is as utilitarian as ever in regards to life.

  2. Yeah, I haven’t seen much over the internet, haven’t been anywhere that stuff like that pops up, but it sure has infiltrated the newspapers, and Québec newspapers are SOOOO liberal and ONE-SIDED!! And my husband has decided that he is not going to let that happen to him, he knows I wouldn’t pull the plug, so he’s going to put it down in writing that he wants the plug pulled!!! 🙁 My husband has even less regard for life than I originally thought…

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