
I was reading Fox News this morning the John Edwards/Blogger thing and read this:

Another Catholic group, Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, issued a statement saying it was satisfied with Edwards’ actions following the “religiously intolerant remarks.”
“We accept Senator Edwards’ assurances that he too was offended by comments made by recently hired staffers and that religious intolerance has no place in his campaign,” said the group’s executive director, Alexia Kelley, who added that since roughly one-fourth of the U.S. population is Catholic, Edwards can’t take the religion’s members for granted.
“We hope this unfortunate incident will initiate a deeper conversation on the part of all presidential candidates regarding the broad range of issues and values of primary importance to the Catholic community, including the Iraq War, a concern for the poor, human life and dignity, the availability of health care, and a commitment to the common good,” Kelley said.

Mark Shea had something to say about Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good:

My reply:
Anything less than an immediate firing of these skirted Klansmen is a clear indication the Edwards is utterly unfit for the White House. Don’t be whores for this dirtbag. Stop making excuses and demand that he get rid of these clownettes.
If you’d like to tell Mr. Jones what you think of Edward lame excuse-making for these bigettes, click here.
If you need the Spin vs. Substance Ammo to pound Mr. Jones in to facing reality, here it is.
Meanwhile, memorize the name: Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good is the first organization of Catholics to prostitute their faith completely in this election cycle for the sake of blow-dried ambulance chaser. It profits a man nothing to gain the whole *world* and lose his own soul. But for *Edwards*?

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