From My Brother

Iraq is improving as we speak. Here is an example from being in Marine Corp and talking to people who have been there: When we were there in 2003 the first time for OIF (operation Iraqi Freedom), we built tents and had nothing over there. Now we have built bases with almost everything we need. Soon Iraq will become like another Okinawa, but the enemy is getting smarter and still killing us off easily. Also the enemy is being supplied with an unknown everyday and it is not Iraq or Iran, it is someone stronger.


Plus the war would of been done if it weren’t to political. I was speaking to a Grunt the other day he said he would watch this one guy shoot and kill his Marines in front of him and the next day he would see the same guy without a gun. The Marine could not do anything about it.
We have so many rules because of the media, if they just left us alone this war would be done a long time ago. The enemy also is viewing our MEDIA. If you go on You Tube, you can find everything about us. They know all our rules and using it against us; rules of engagement, the main one. That is stuff the government is not telling you. Now we are having troubles with [terrorists in…sic] Germany, you haven’t heard about that yet because it is kept under the rug. Today we had Marines all over the base with M-16’s patrolling cause [terrorists in…sic] Germany is now starting to threaten us.

Praying for our troops.

1 comment

  1. I echo, praying for our troops.
    And I disagree about the media — I think information is getting out only in bits and pieces becuase overall, the mainstream media is doing a pretty sorry job of covering the war, though part of this is due to restrictions that prevent the free press from functioning the way it should.

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