Posco’s New Glasses!

Ian's new glasses
Apparently Posco is near sighted. Who knew? This is why when people would pitch baseballs at him, he couldn’t catch them.
I told him he looks like that kid. “What kid?” he asked. You know, the one from Sesame Street. You know how in Sesame Street, there is always some normalesque,intelligent-looking, ethnic, teenage friend. Elmo will be in front of Hooper’s Store looking all forlorn and Posco will enter stage right and ask “What’s wrong Elmo?” And Elmo will explain how he can’t pick the right color construction paper to make a card for Maria (is she still there?) for, I don’t know, Recycling Day. And Posco picks a green piece of paper because recycling is green while he sings an educational jingle about the importance of recycling in English and in Spanish and Elmo says “Thank you Posco! Elmo happy now. And from now on, Elmo is going to recycle all his plastic apple juice bottles!” and then eats a crayon or something.
After I told this to my son, he just looked at me and blinked. He has no imagination.