
About a year and a half ago, my husband, ahem lost his job. Not too long after that my brother left to join the Marines. He worked at a small, local diner for years as the weekend dishwasher. When he left, John the Proprietor was out of a dishwasher. My family needed a few bucks,… Continue reading Fired!

Categorized as Pansyiana

I Wish I Had Something to Blog About

But I have nothing. Everyone else has clever things to say about current event issues and I have nothing of great intelligence to add. This is the only thing on my mind lately:

Categorized as Pansyiana

Make Sense Of This If You Can

Fastolph: Moooo—oooooom! Posco called me Stupid Feet! Me:Excuse me? Fastolph:He…called…me…Stupid Feet! Me: Um, wow. I am very sorry he called you Stupid Feet. (Trying to comprehend exactly what that means. He didn’t say Posco “said I have have stupid feet,” but he called him stupid feet. So far it sounds like the dumbest insult in… Continue reading Make Sense Of This If You Can

Categorized as Pansyiana

More Prayers for My Dad

As far as the cancer treatment goes, my father seems to be doing quite well, but he is still in a great deal of pain. His bone scan last week revealed 2 slipped discs and a number of fractured ribs, and other small fractures throughout his bones-hence the pain. A few prayers would be most… Continue reading More Prayers for My Dad

Large and In Charge

I had an OB/Gyn check-up yesterday, and all looks well. I still have not gained any weight, which I am cooler with than my doctor. I mean if I cannot eat chocolate, is there anything to eat in life? Let me think about that a sec…No. Nope, I don’t think so. My finger stick numbers… Continue reading Large and In Charge

Categorized as Pansyiana