A Man After My Own Heart

I just stumbled on this blog Wake Up Black America. I was particularly appreciative of his entry on Bill Cosby’s latest speech.

And So It Continues…

A few months ago, I posted about about a horrific child abuse story involving a mother, the child of course and paramour. No I am not some kind of strange child-abuse junkie (totally swore off late night Discovery Channel), but whenever I sit down at breakfast, open the front page of the paper, here are… Continue reading And So It Continues…

I am moving to a deserted island where people can cease to annoy me

Fredegar had his first dental appointment yesterday. It was actually quite cute because he refused to open his mouth. The cute wasn’t the non-mouth opening, it was that typical baby confusion when confronted with something completely new. I never get tired of that. He didn’t fuss or complain, and the dental hygenist gave him a… Continue reading I am moving to a deserted island where people can cease to annoy me

My Family is So Weird

I think I have mentioned numerous times that my grandmother, her brother, and sister live together in a two-family haunted house in Mt. Vernon, NY. My brothers have named them “The Gang”. I love them, but they are a difficult bunch to get a long with. They have a set way things should be done… Continue reading My Family is So Weird

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