Congratulations Benji!

I have been a Benji fan since I saw he and Heidi do their West Coast Swing thing in their auditions. I of course missed the finale because I totally fell asleep. I just saw the end. Funny how you fall asleep on a show, you wake up just long enough to see the closing… Continue reading Congratulations Benji!

Once Again…To NFP or to Not NFP, the continuous question

Yesterday I typed out an excerpt from the book This Is The Faith by Canon Francis Ripley on NFP. Any practicing Catholic knows the NFP debate is nothing new. The “contraceptive mentality” vs.”reponsibility” argument. Neither side really spoke logically to me, and that may simply be because everyone’s set of circumstances are slightly different. Perhaps… Continue reading Once Again…To NFP or to Not NFP, the continuous question

Last Saturday…

My husband went downstate to meet my mother-in-law and had the munchkins with him (another story I don’t even want to talk about). I had to work, but chilled with my family afterwards. My family’s routine is to go to the 4 o’clock Mass at the Church my father is assigned to. The pastor there… Continue reading Last Saturday…

Being Sick Bites

Warning: Blatant whine alert! I have a cold or the flu or something that seems to have settled in my lungs. It hurts like a SOB when I cough, I feel lightheaded and dizzy. Everytime I try to go downstairs and do laundry, I get winded like I just came back from running, but without… Continue reading Being Sick Bites

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