My Kids

This commercial is a dramatization of my toddlers and their older sister. This cracks me up because the mannerisms are exactly like my children.

Categorized as Pansyiana


Is there any reason why I have to put clothes on my 19-month old (besides a diaper), when the temps are in the 80s to 90s, we are not going anywhwere and no one is coming over?


Dawn Eden recently posted an excerpt from her new book The Thrill of the Chaste. She also linked to some of the responses to her book. Many of the comments range from outrage to outrageous. (I actually can only link to Dawn’s site, and anyone can feel free to follow the links. This is PG… Continue reading Perplexed

A Bit of A Scare

On Friday I had a doctor’s appointment. For reasons that are unknown, not only do I have the usual morning sickness, but when I eat a meal, I get sweaty, rapid heart beats and greatly fatigued that I immediately go to bed and sleep. When I called the doctor and said these are MS symptoms… Continue reading A Bit of A Scare

Categorized as Pansyiana