Three quotations from the Angelic Doctor: “Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasures, and without friends even the most agreeable pursuits become tedious. ” “Man cannot live without joy; therefore when he is deprived of true spiritual joys it is necessary that he become addicted to carnal pleasures. ” “Sorrow can be alleviated by… Continue reading For the feast day of St Thomas Aquinas
Author: Peony Moss
“Biography for Beginners”
Nifty! You can read this ground-breaking book online here, complete with the original illustrations by G.K. Chesterton.
The Most Feared Punctuation on Earth
Afraid of using semicolons? Today’s your lucky day; Joe Carter at First Things links to a memorable guide. (For myself, I might have forgotten a great deal of Ecology 402, but I’ve never forgotten dear Dr. W’s comment on my final paper: “I applaud your correct use of the semicolon.”)
Your cold little hand is even colder… in SPACE
An IM conversation from 2004 PeonyMoss: OT, this stinks, I am looking for web citations about that sappy space opera I like and am not finding much PANSY: which opera? PeonyMoss: Snow Queen, World’s End, Summer Queen by Joan Vinge :PANSY: oh PeonyMoss: “space opera” — soap operas in space PANSY: ok PANSY: I was… Continue reading Your cold little hand is even colder… in SPACE
Mark Shea told me to post this.
Gens Pittsburgh Ferrarii
NFL Team Names in Latin
Please pray….
…for a teacher at Hambet’s school who (unexpectedly) entered eternal life last night — and for his students.
Worse and worse in Haiti
Archbishop Serge Miot of Port-au-Prince among the dead; “hundreds” of priests and seminarians still buried under the rubble of the cathedral. HT American Catholic