This Is So Dumb!

I cease to understand how can someone think of something this dumb and think it is a good idea, but that there are other morons who agree.

Lileks on the Counterculture

Heard a John Kerry speech today: ended with “Purple Haze”, I think. As a Hendrix tune for the campaign, it’s better than “Let Me Stand Next to Your Fire,” which would be the most inapt Kerry tune imaginable. He has no fire. He wouldn’t catch fire if you doused him in kerosene and shot Roman… Continue reading Lileks on the Counterculture

Oscar nominations….

…are being announced as I write. Pirates of the Carribbean was entertaining enough, but Johnny Depp getting a nomination for Best Actor out of it? ROTK is nominated for Best Picture, along with Master and Commander, Seabiscuit, Lost in Translation, and Mystic River.

Home altars and high school lesbians: all in today’s WaPo

WaPo requests some marketing information to read their links. I must also warn you that these two articles may induce severe eye-rolling, so read at your own risk. A Church Away from Church, on home altars: “Organized religion . . . gives you the recipe for God, but it overlooks the kitchen and the tools,… Continue reading Home altars and high school lesbians: all in today’s WaPo

Now, here is another example of someone who would do best keeping their opinions to themselves…

or at least express them in a more appropriate forum. See, I hate it when I hear anti-Catholic comments from celebrities whose talents I have enjoyed because then I simply have to stop liking them. I always thought Lauryn Hill was so talented and pretty and now I find her annoying. This is so sad… Continue reading Now, here is another example of someone who would do best keeping their opinions to themselves…