Although, truth be told, I kind of wonder about St. Michael. He seems all business to me. Please check out LOLSaints!
Category: Fun and Games
Depressing stuff on the Internet
In the past couple of days, I stumbled on some pretty depressing internet tools. I am not sure if it more depressing that they simply exist, or that they are advertised like normal, run of the mill stuff. The first was from a site called Yep, a whole entire site dedicated to all things… Continue reading Depressing stuff on the Internet
For home schooling parents who have a geometrically-challenged geek at home
Professor Vader explains Pythagorean Therom. Hat tip to my brother Ed. He’s an engineer. He gets a big kick out of math humor. (Between you and me, Pythagorean therom was one of the few parts of geometry I had no problem with.)
Ecce, lolMyerz
(translation after the jump)
One-word meme
via dylan 1. Where is your cell phone? Purse 2. Your significant other? upstairs sleeping 3. Your hair? scalp 4. Your mother? much too far away. 5. Your father? just far enough away 6. Your favorite thing? a really good story 7. Your dream last night? forget. 8. Your favorite drink? coffee. 9. Your dream/goal?… Continue reading One-word meme
Very Close!
82 As a 1930s wife, I amVery Superior Take the test!
Uxor melior
83 As a 1930s wife, I amVery Superior Take the test!
Because all the cool people are using them
The Curt Jester has news of another puppet liturgy, this time in some parish in Minnesota. On Palm Sunday. Because nothing says a Mature and Relevant Faith Experience like giant puppets.