Low Fat Stuff

Erik in the comments box at the Culinary Ennui post said: Also, I really don’t recommend trying to cook lean. You will end up consuming more calories in the form of carbohydrates and sugars. Rather, vary the fats. I use butter, goose fat, pancetta, olive oil, and peanut oil. Probably the number one is olive… Continue reading Low Fat Stuff

Categorized as Homekeeping

Culinary ennui

Usually I like cooking, but lately I’ve been in a real funk about it. I’m talking about the ordinary, what’s for dinner on the weeknight kind of cooking (with two hot lunches on the weekend) That comes out to seven meals a week. It shouldn’t be that difficult to come up with seven meal ideas… Continue reading Culinary ennui

Appliance Bermuda Triangle

Appliance Bermuda Triangle About a month and a half ago my hot water heater broke, so it was replaced. Yesterday my fridge stopped keeping things cold, so all my refrigerated food has gone bad. But you know what, I am semi-prepared. I buy powdered milk in bulk at the health food store and powdered egg… Continue reading Appliance Bermuda Triangle