Under construction

yes, I’m messing with the template again. Question — I’m using the out-of-the-box “Squash” and “Sakura” stylesheets from Moveable Type. The background color is supposed to be visible as stripes down the side of the page, but I can’t see it in Firefox or IE6. Any suggestions?

Attention commenters

We would really appreciate it if you left a useable email address. Twice now this week I’ve wanted to directly contact commenters off-blog (only for nice things!) and have been unable. If you want to avoid spammers, consider formatting your email address something like: commenterNOSPAM@twosleepymommies.org Just make it clear which part you want us to… Continue reading Attention commenters

Can someone explain this to us?

We’re listed on BlogShares! What does this mean? Thanks to those who felt that TSM stock was worth enough to bring to market.

Our blogroll….

is just a darn mess. I’m sorry. It just is. I just love sorting and categories and learning definitions and technical names and things like that. One of my favorite parts of my zoology class was taxonomy. I wanted to reorganize it under subheadings, but that’s a task that would just play to my tendencies… Continue reading Our blogroll….