Felicity’s Birth Story

On Wednesday, Dec. 6, it was my birthday. Although my dh asked where I wanted to go for dinner, and I picked an Italian place, when I got there, I really was not very hungry. I had also been finding it progressively harder and harder to walk. My hip joints were very relaxed and causing… Continue reading Felicity’s Birth Story

Categorized as Pansyiana

I am so giddy!

Thank you Peony for lovely “Happy Birthday!” I just got back from an ultrasound and it’s a girl!

Categorized as Pansyiana

Happy Birthday Pansy!

Ah, birthdays. A chance to look back over your life and savor the memories of the good times, whether those good times actually happened or not. So let’s honor Pansy with the “This is Your Life” meme! Via Mrs Darwin (who herself just celebrated a birthday): If you read this, if your eyes are passing… Continue reading Happy Birthday Pansy!

Categorized as Pansyiana

Slowly and Surely

I never realized how much prep was involved in a homebirth. Actually it is not that much, but for the first time I seem to have shed my New York City pace, and just simply do something and sit down, do something, and sit down…So in terms of buying supplies and whatnot, I get something,… Continue reading Slowly and Surely

Categorized as Pansyiana

God, A Small Favor Please

I am 37 weeks and 1 day today. I am having some small indications that labor might be commencing sooner rather than later. I am kind of not ready for sooner and hoping God holds off a bit. My birth kit is coming tomorrow, I have to get the tub, diapers, and figure out a… Continue reading God, A Small Favor Please

Categorized as Pansyiana

Fredregar is 2 Today!

This is his “self-portrait” (in other words what happens when the 2-year old gets a hold of the camera.) If he were of age, this would make a good My Space picture. This is how I always think of him-as a little, fat baby.

Categorized as Pansyiana