
Man oh Man, what a few months! 1. We tried to buy a house, but got thumbs down from the mortgage company after a preapproval, and after 6 weeks of waiting for approval. I was so heartbroken, but timing was bad. My dh lost his job in June, then the records we had of rent… Continue reading Howdy!

Categorized as Pansyiana

My Brother Wrote to Me!

I am finally here…It is nothing like you think it is…The drill instructors are inhuman, and you’re like always on the move…It is real tough here because you wake up at three in the morning by Drill instructors yelling in your face and forcing you to yell at then top of your lungs and do… Continue reading My Brother Wrote to Me!

Categorized as Pansyiana

Don’t My Kid Look Like Gollum?

Poor kid, I took this while he was sitting outside the window eating a peach. I am always yelling at him to sit like a normal boy, not a Gollum boy.

Categorized as Pansyiana

Where Have I Been?

School! I have been taking chemistry since July 5. When I was in HS, I took it in Fiji and it is different, so it didn’t count. I needed the chemistry 095 credit to get into nursing school. I am really loving the class. It is filled with other nursing student hopefuls. Some just out… Continue reading Where Have I Been?

Categorized as Pansyiana