
So here’s what has happened with that incident. A “friend” looked up the records for us. There was ” just a blotter” (for those who know cop-speak, I guess you know what this means) filed saying my little one did run into the street, the first lady stopped her car, the lady behind her almost… Continue reading Update

Categorized as Pansyiana

Is This the First Time?

Last year, when a woman in Berryville, Arkansas went into the hospital to deliver her baby by Cesarean section, she did not request or authorize her doctor to also perform a tubal ligation. But that minor detail didn’t stop Dr. Shirolyn Ruth Moffett from doing just that. Dr. Moffett claims that she surgically ensured that… Continue reading Is This the First Time?

My MIL, The Queen of Great Ideas

So my mother-in-law who is naturally outraged about our upcoming new arrival, told my husband that she had a great way to look at this. “You know,”she told my husband “since you and Pansy are fertile, Pansy can sell her eggs and get $50,000 for them!” “No, she’s not doing that. Besides, she’s too old.”… Continue reading My MIL, The Queen of Great Ideas

If That is Funny, Why Aren’t I Laughing?

On the 4th of July, I was at a get together at a girlfriend’s house along with some of her extended family. I was having a conversation with her where we were talking about one of our recent fun adventures of the flu going through the house, and our jobs as mothers to clean up,… Continue reading If That is Funny, Why Aren’t I Laughing?