Proud mommy story

We live on a busy street, so I have taken to asking my Guardian Angel for help getting out of my driveway, particularly if I want to go left. Today when Hambet and I were out driving around, I heard on the radio that the Massachussets Supreme Court decision would be announced today, so I… Continue reading Proud mommy story

Little Boys

They are running around outside with ski masks, gloves and their coats on but wide open and unzippered.

All Saints Party

I got an email yesterday saying our homeschooling group is having an All Saint’s Party on Saturday in Fonda. Ack, I so do not have any costumes ready because I did not know there would be a party this year until yesterday. Anybody have any ideas for quick, cheap and easy saint costume ideas. I… Continue reading All Saints Party

Do You Think

if I invented a giant hamster wheel to put my kids in when they seem like they need to burn some sreious energy, it would sell? Very AP, don’t you think?