More on day care for babies

In her comment on Pansy’s post, Ellyn suggests: Should it be daycare [in Circle VII] or those who have created a society necessitating the tearing of tiny ones from their mothers’ bosoms (literally and figuratively) that gets relegated to that circle? While we’re at it…could you add all day kindergarten and pre-school? At least in… Continue reading More on day care for babies

Modesty, fashion, bathing suits, Puritanism, daughters and cool Moms like me-and stuff

Zoe Romanowsky blogs about Weighing in on Modesty over at HMS: That there are actually children who can’t swim because they’re not allowed to wear bathing suits is very troubling. Maybe because I grew up on the coast and spent most of my summers with siblings and neighbors running around in hand-me-down swimsuits and barefeet… Continue reading Modesty, fashion, bathing suits, Puritanism, daughters and cool Moms like me-and stuff


My kids have taken to waking up very early in the morning, and watching French cooking shows before school. I wake up to: Rosey-Posey:“Wow, look at all the butter they use. Hey, they are putting wine in that Coq Au Vin, can kids eat that?” Posco:“I don’t think so, wine is not for kids. I… Continue reading Weirdness