Abortion and Racism (again)

Black pro-life leader says abortion says abortion points to racism …“Most blacks will agree that racism is sill very much alive, yet say nothing when abortion facilities are placed purposefully in minority and poor communities. This is no accident!” “Abortion providers need us to make their blood money,” she said in her statement. “If we… Continue reading Abortion and Racism (again)

Images of Black People in European Heraldry

This is a really interesting article. Modern specialists in the science of heraldry suspect, however, that this blazon (coat of arms) of the blackamoor is instead the very opposite of a negative symbol. In the last decade or two it has been pointed out that the moor’s head quite possibly could have referred to St.… Continue reading Images of Black People in European Heraldry

I am moving to a deserted island where people can cease to annoy me

Fredegar had his first dental appointment yesterday. It was actually quite cute because he refused to open his mouth. The cute wasn’t the non-mouth opening, it was that typical baby confusion when confronted with something completely new. I never get tired of that. He didn’t fuss or complain, and the dental hygenist gave him a… Continue reading I am moving to a deserted island where people can cease to annoy me

I Hate “Ghetto”

You will notice that many of my rants of late have to do with moral decay surrounding things like abortion, and I suppose other related. I think much of it has do with the fact that our last move has taken us out of the country where we saw little people except our few Amish… Continue reading I Hate “Ghetto”