Today is Armed Forces Day

Yes, this is the Navy Hymn, but surely our gentlemen of the Navy will not object if I give the verses for all our services…. Eternal Father, strong to save,Whose arm hath bound the restless wave,Who biddest the mighty ocean deepIts own appointed limits keep;Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee,For those in peril… Continue reading Today is Armed Forces Day

Peony’s Seven Quick Takes

–1– Once I thought four years was a long time. We’ve kept this blog on the air (more or less) for eight years now and it seems like nothing. When did this happen? — 2– Pansy’s little Septimus is two years old now, and Hambet hits double digits in a couple of weeks. Again: Where… Continue reading Peony’s Seven Quick Takes

I *heart* Troy Polamalu

Get Religion on the bizarre reportage of Polamalu’s Orthodox faith: Polamalu’s faith, religion, spirituality, whatever Bonus: a quote in which a guy with two Super Bowl rings talks about “an abyss of beauty.”

On the green nasties

“It’s disappointing how bitter some people are when they say they love their planet but can’t extend the same love and respect to the people who live in it.” — a commenter on Flylady’s Facebook page