Eye Candy Sale: Real Simple Magazine for $10/yr

Amazon’s having a sale — click the “Special Offer” link next to the one-year subscription offer. Sale lasts through November 6 or “while supplies last.” Our Amazon Affiliate proceeds go to the Feed Pansy’s Voracious Teenagers Fund.

“Barack Obama will never write an acclaimed vampire novel…

because he has no respect for ritual.” Other literary genres have charms of their own, but the choices that horror novelists make are especially important because they often touch on questions of ritual. As any priest, liturgist, relief pitcher, band leader, wedding planner, barista, chef, musician, teacher, bonsai gardener, or tea ceremony devotee could tell… Continue reading “Barack Obama will never write an acclaimed vampire novel…

URGENT: Please help save a pro-life pharmacy

DMC Pharmacy, Northern Virginia’s pro-life pharmacy, may be forced to close tomorrow. If you’d like to help in a last-ditch attempt to keep it open, you can visit http://www.savedmcpharmacy.org/index.html