here. I’ll try to get my thank-you note up later today.
Mothering and Justice
Mothering and Justice, by Juli Loesch Wiley In our static links, I’ve tagged our link to the journal Caelum et Terraas “how Peony discerned her vocation.” Articles like this one were what woke me up to the fact that I didn’t really like being single, that I really wanted to get married. I had never… Continue reading Mothering and Justice
Michelle responds….
here. I am frantically busy today and won’t have time to address her objections point by point. Michelle’s first principle seems to be that breastfeeding in itself is an act that, like defecation, “bodily housekeeping,” blowing one’s nose, and the marital act, should be performed in private. I believe this premise is incorrect. Breastfeeding is… Continue reading Michelle responds….
Aves and vales
Vales first: looks like Vociferous Yawpings is bowing out. Bummer. I’d read it just for the title. Aves: Speaking of Caritate Dei, Robert Diaz is inviting everyone to check out his group blog Eternal Rebels, which has a cool Chestertonian title and some new members.
Hambet on traditional depictions of the saints
Hambet was sitting on my lap while I was surfing, and perked up when he saw the picture of Saint Anthony over at Caritate Dei. Peony: Do you know Who that Baby is? Hambet: Baby Jesus (“Baaaaaaaaaby JEEEEEEEsus!”) Peony: Right! That’s Baby Jesus! and that’s Saint Anthony holding Him. Hambet: (furrows brow, getting upset, angrily… Continue reading Hambet on traditional depictions of the saints
More on economics
T.S. O’Rama posts on economic systems and “bridling capitalism:” One of the negatives of a global economy is that inefficiencies are squashed, and inefficiences can be humane. For example, companies in France and Germany are having to become leaner in order to remain competitive with the U.S. and Japan. Vacation time and benefits in European… Continue reading More on economics
If I May
Michelle wonders “….why anyone would need to breastfeed in a public restaurant anyway. Certainly doing so is going to hinder your own eating, which is the point of restaurants. Couldn’t you feed the baby before going out to forage in fast-food establishments for your own nourishment?” This is where many people get confused, nursing is… Continue reading If I May
I allude, of course, to Burger King’s new corporate policy, which states clearly that mothers who nurse their babies at BK will not be harassed, and that other diners who claim to be offended by the sight of a baby being nourished by the means designed by God will be invited to sit in another… Continue reading NO NURSING BABIES ALLOWED.