“We dodged the bullet again – for another week,” said [Terri’s] father…. CLEARWATER, Fla. — A judge on Thursday postponed issuing an order removing a feeding tube keeping a brain-damaged woman alive after her parents argued that she first should be given the chance to learn to eat. Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Judge George W. Greer now… Continue reading “We dodged the bullet again….”
Start spreadin’ the news….
You wanna be a part of it… New York. You live a“get-on-with-it” lifestyle and don’treally care what others are doing, because yougotta get on with living your life. Well, lookslike you won’t stick out like a sore thumb inthe big apple. What city in the U.S. should you live in? brought to you by Quizilla… Continue reading Start spreadin’ the news….
If I am ever tempted to embark on amateur economics and social history again….
If I am ever tempted to embark on amateur economics and social history again…. perhaps I’ll save myself a whole lot of typing and just say, “What Jeff said!” Oh, and “what Jeff said here, too!”
Prayers are urgently needed for
Prayers are urgently needed for Terri Schiavo! Elinor Dashwood weighs in on the Terri Schiavo case: Mrs. Schiavo collapsed in 1990, and here is where the questions begin: her husband says that her many broken bones – in the hip, leg, chest, back, knees, and ankles – were injured in her fall when she collapsed.… Continue reading Prayers are urgently needed for
“He violated the law of stupidity…”
“He violated the law of stupidity if nothing else,” Hill said.
Strong Bad writes a children’s book
Strong Bad writes a children’s book.
This Is What Happens When You Watch Too Much Lifetime Television for Women…..
….you start to wonder about the problem with domestic violence in this country. This also on the curtails of the whole “wifely submission” thread at El Camino Real and of course the whole Terri Schiavo case. I am a little dismayed lately because in what I have seen in real life, bad relationships, domestic violence… Continue reading This Is What Happens When You Watch Too Much Lifetime Television for Women…..
The Nightmares of Choice: The
The Nightmares of Choice: The Psychological Effects of Performing Abortions WARNING: unsettling imagery. …it is the practitioners dreams that may tell us most. Bad dreams are so common that a mention of them, even a slight one, can be expected in almost all presentations on the subject of an abortion facility staffs emotional reactions to… Continue reading The Nightmares of Choice: The