Baby Veronika’s baptism pictures are up!
Wifely Submission Stuff And when
Wifely Submission Stuff And when it comes time to decide how Hambet will be educated (parish school v. homeschool), the decison will be made the same way. This is an example that comes to mind. Before we sent Rosey Posey to kindergarten, we thought about school choices-Catholic school or this homeschooling stuff we heard about.… Continue reading Wifely Submission Stuff And when
So what does wifely submission
So what does wifely submission look like? (or, you catch more beer with honey than with vinegar) In the discussion over at Jeff’s blog, Michelle wonders about how wifely submission works out on a practical scale. Maybe we can toss that around a little bit here. Perhaps people would be more open to the teaching… Continue reading So what does wifely submission
We Went to the
We Went to the Fair Too! Yesterday we went to 7.30 am Mass. It was great because they had a missionary priest from Peru, so it was a good Mass. Then we went off to the Altamont Fair. It was nice, cool and empty so early. We went and checked out the dairy goats, and… Continue reading We Went to the
A little milestone We’ve just
A little milestone We’ve just cracked 10,000 page views! (that’s from the installation of the site meter, not the launch of the blog.) (Of course, 6,000 of those were probably disappointed seekers of lyrics + lindsay + lohan….)
Channeling this energy into something
Channeling this energy into something positive. My four year old loves women, particularly teenage girls. People chuckle about it “Oh, he is such a little playa,” but I am seriously worried. I have never seen anyone flirt as much as Fastolph does in my life. Here are a couple of examples. We were at Hannaford… Continue reading Channeling this energy into something
Cheetah Girls Review To quote
Cheetah Girls Review To quote Rosey Posey “Wow, that movie was butt cheesey.” Yes, there was a huge scene at the end where the main characters dog falls down a hole and it suposedly brings down town Manhattan (which is really some place in Canada and doesn’t look like Manhattan) to a halt. When the… Continue reading Cheetah Girls Review To quote
Hee hee, I made
Hee hee, I made Posco help me with the tapes Now we are going to watch The Cheetah Girls.