While I was poking around this morning and updating the links, I came across this little treasure, originally posted on Apologia: We are not sent into this world for nothing; we are not born at random; we are not here that we may go to bed at night and get up in the morning, toil… Continue reading While I was poking around
Wow, Erik has moved too.
Wow, Erik has moved too. At this rate, Pansy and I will soon be the only ones left at blogspot. It’s unlikely that we’ll be using any of the pin money on a paid host.
Apologia has moved. Wow, dear
Apologia has moved. Wow, dear Mr. Luse has his own domain name now!
What a compliment from…
Kathy the Carmelite! Between you two Mommies, Huw Raphael at DOXOS, Erik, and Brian the Kairos Guy, I’ve been loving cooking recently. Next thing you know, Davey’s Mommy will have me out buying RHUBARB! (I know you all started the craze, but she’ll be the one to put me over the top!)
Urgent prayer request Please keep
Urgent prayer request Please keep Pansy and her family in your prayers, especially this week.
Am I crazy? Lately I’ve
Am I crazy? Lately I’ve been daydreaming about getting a deep freeze (once our basement is dry) and filling it with meat from places like these.
Today is the Feast of
Today is the Feast of St Martha…. Jesus in the House of Mary and Martha (Vermeer) ….patron saint of housewives (among others.) 19 And many of the Jews were come to Martha and Mary, to comfort them concerning their brother. 20 Martha therefore, as soon as she heard that Jesus was come, went to meet… Continue reading Today is the Feast of
Too Smart To Be So
Too Smart To Be So Dumb”: the Moral Tyranny of IQ or, why I’d rather have Hambet be a virtuous plumber than an arrogant PhD.