Garden Report

Garden Report The endless rains of the spring are over and I’ve gotten a chance to finish weeding and survey my situation. I did my front perennial bed last weekend. My husband was very distressed when he saw how much I’d pruned, but the black-eyed Susans and purple coneflowers had gotten totally out of control… Continue reading Garden Report

Categorized as Gardening

I am lost On Saturday

I am lost On Saturday we went to a 6 year old’s birthday party which was fun. The husband and 10 children of the family I blogged about before were there . Before they left, the husband told my husband to come over for a get together. So I picked out one of my more… Continue reading I am lost On Saturday

So where do you find

So where do you find doctors who think breastfeeding is not very important? Among the recipients of Traveling Fellowships from Bristol-Myers, Squibble/Mead Johnson — the makers of Enfamil formula.

The Prussian Green Money Pit

The Prussian Green Money Pit That’s our house. The Prussian Green Money Pit. When Hambet was born, dh and I were living happily in a little condo within walking distance to a Metro stop. It had two bedrooms (though the second one was kind of tiny) and one bath. After Hambet arrived, though, things started… Continue reading The Prussian Green Money Pit

Ugh. I am feeling very

Ugh. I am feeling very dull this afternoon. It’s hot and sweltering outside — come on, thunderstorm, and be done with it! Hambet is just puttering around munching on a cracker. This morning we took my husband to a doctor’s appointment and then dropped him off at the Metro. After that, a few random errands,… Continue reading Ugh. I am feeling very

I thought it was just

I thought it was just me and I was starting to think I was being a little harsh, but I was sooo relieved to see this article in Catholic Exchange. Last night I was watching the Dateline interview with “Jen and Ben” and they compared them to other “great couples such as Hepburn and Tracy”.… Continue reading I thought it was just