Bummer On Saturday all the

Bummer On Saturday all the family men-folk (my father, his three sons, my husband and Posco-all with the exception of Gorbulas and Fastolph) went to a Met’s game. My mother, Rosey-Posey, Gorbulas, Fastolph and myself went raspberry picking. I accidently forgot the raspberries at my mother’s house and today she dropped them off. I got… Continue reading Bummer On Saturday all the

Jeff Culbreath blogged about

Jeff Culbreath blogged about the “new masculinity” a few days ago I don’t know, I am thirty years old. For the period of time I was dating, one thing that struck me is we are living in a time where “masculine” is synonomous with disrespect for women. I realise that perhaps there was no time… Continue reading Jeff Culbreath blogged about

I thought it would be

I thought it would be worse 10.25641%-Geekish Tendencies It’s only that high from hanging around my brother (who came in at 38.2643% – Major Geek) and husband (who is asleep). I am afraid to see their scores.

My Geek Rating: 21.30178% –

My Geek Rating: 21.30178% – Geek i am pleased that this test included questions for grammar geeks like me. thanks to Victor for the link.

Diagnosis gets Girl, 5, Out

Diagnosis gets Girl, 5, Out of Wheelchair How I wish they’d gotten a comment from Peter Singer, just to show how stupid he is. Thanks to Greg Krehbiel for this link.

Woo-hoo!: The Rhubarb Compendium

Woo-hoo!: The Rhubarb Compendium Includes recipes for rhubarb sorbet! I can’t wait! I made my pie this morning, and although I still need more practice in getting the pie to look pretty (I keep putting the top crust off-center) it tasted pretty good (if I do say so myself….)

Categorized as Recipes