Are Young Catholics Cultural Orphans?

Are Young Catholics Cultural Orphans? I touched on this briefly in my Barbarians Anonymous post of June 18 (sorry, archives not working at present.) I need to get serious about researching and adopting some of these customs; Hambet is getting old enough to enjoy them.

Budding Priest? Today we

Budding Priest? Today we were saying the Family Angelus at noon, and Gorbulas got out of my arms and tried to get a Rosary from our Rosary rack. I was impressed. Perhaps a budding priest? Maybe not. I am thinking it is every Catholic mother’s mission that we look for signs that our sons may… Continue reading Budding Priest? Today we

Pampered Chef update: Back in

Pampered Chef update: Back in May I blogged about how Pampered Chef had been bought by Berkshire Hathaway, a major corporate donor to Planned Parenthood. I am pleased to report that, due to protests from Pampered Chef staff and customers, Berkshire Hathaway has dropped support for PP! Here’s BH’s news release (requires Adobe Acrobat). This… Continue reading Pampered Chef update: Back in

We’re back. We had a

We’re back. We had a good trip, although Hambet’s tummy started acting up on Sunday — I am taking him to the doctor’s this afternoon. More to come!

Good article on Catholic Exchange

Good article on Catholic Exchange about Affirmative Action. I am sorry about the slow blogging, and I would comment more, but I am seriously drained emotionally as of late.

The Prayers Are Working!

The Prayers Are Working! Gorbulas had a follow-up appointment and his lungs look good! Thank you so much! If I may be so bold for one more request? We have had a few more life stresses at one time than I think I am capable of handling gracefully. One is Gorbulas’ health, another is my… Continue reading The Prayers Are Working!