Joss Whedon Discusses Writing for “Buffy”
My Daughter in Her “SVIMvear”
My Daughter in Her “SVIMvear” Now, if the sun ever comes out in Albany, I am hoping we are all set for summer.
Love Is Everyone’s Vocation: An
Love Is Everyone’s Vocation: An Interview with Catholic Actress Lindsay Younce Bobbi has posted her interview with the star of the upcoming Therese movie.
From Steamy to Sporadic: Can
From Steamy to Sporadic: Can You Get the Sizzle Back Into a S**x-Starved Marriage? Steve and Kim Elowe have been married more than 15 years, and are still in love, but in recent years, the stresses of work and raising children have rained down like a cold shower on their sex life. The couple, who… Continue reading From Steamy to Sporadic: Can
Carribean Catholics Celebrate Mass Thank
Carribean Catholics Celebrate Mass Thank you for the link via De Fidei Obodientia, via The Curt Jester. Why is ethnocentricity an excuse for Liturgical abuses? Borinquen Dance Theatre dancers moved to the beat of a steel drum band. Worshipers read biblical lessons in Spanish, French and English — the three languages spoken on the Caribbean… Continue reading Carribean Catholics Celebrate Mass Thank
I am an alien in
I am an alien in my family Dh and the kids were counting the days until Crocodile Hunter Live. They ran around at 9 saying “Dad, it’s time!” while my husband popped some popcorn. I was so bored.
Can you please tell me
Can you please tell me what I am supposed to do with this information? U.S. Sees Likely Al Qaeda WMD Attack Within 2 Years I mean is this supposed to be useful? Well, I guess I will buy my duct tape, bottled water (much I still have incidentally from the Y2K thing) and go to… Continue reading Can you please tell me
Something to go with those
Something to go with those bathing suits thanks to RC at Catholic Light. By the way, what is that TrackBack thingie and how does it work?