Off to a May Crowning We are leaving in a few minutes to the National Shrine of North American Martyrs for a picnic, Mass and May Crowning. We made a crown out of silk flowers. Posco gets to be one of the lucky children to crown Mary because he is a First Communicant. If I… Continue reading Off to a May Crowning
Woman v. nature I had
Woman v. nature I had fair success with starting seeds indoors this year — got some sprouts — the seeds that did the best were white marigold seeds (that is, the flowers are supposed to be white.) I transplanted some of them outside on Thursday night. Yesterday morning I found that two of them had… Continue reading Woman v. nature I had
The cure for malaise… Cocoa
The cure for malaise… Cocoa Puffs, according to Victor. I could use a big bowl or two. I had some disappointing news tonight.
Suggested conclusions for Buffy the
Suggested conclusions for Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Peony We can begin by killing off trite Caleb and annoying Kennedy next week, in that little segment that comes before the opening credits. Buffy rejoins the Scoobies, everyone kisses and makes up. Buffy does not antagonize Faith. They make plans to enter the Hellmouth and defeat… Continue reading Suggested conclusions for Buffy the
Peony’s Friday Five 1. Would
Peony’s Friday Five 1. Would you consider yourself an organized person? Why or why not? I guess I would call myself organized, but there is much room for improvement. I succumb to entropy too easily. 2. Do you keep some type of planner, organizer, calendar, etc. with you, and do you use it regularly? I… Continue reading Peony’s Friday Five 1. Would
Fetus a Body Part? I
Fetus a Body Part? I think it’s another example of the collision between Roe v. Wade and common sense. Almost everyone would agree that yeah, there’s something alive in that pregnant lady’s tummy and that there’s somthing a little troublesome about another person trying to kill it. (almost everyone, that is, except for the hard… Continue reading Fetus a Body Part? I
Fetus a Body Part? Not
Fetus a Body Part? Not sure what to think…
I feel ripped off by
I feel ripped off by the Angel season finally. I have to think of more to blog on the subject. For now, I am feeling sort of short changed. Update:Victor liked the episode much better than I did and he offers a much insightful and intelligent review than I could. I also think I know… Continue reading I feel ripped off by