Woo hoo! Our state income tax refund arrived today. I was so happy to see it! Of course, I already know where it’s going (and alas, it’s not towards any of the toys on my wish list.) But I will be happy to get those higher priority obligations taken care of.
Buffy Stuff First let me
Buffy Stuff First let me get some very important stuff out of the way. Anya needs to stop dying her hair blonde. She is much more attractive as a brunette and the blonde hair makes her look seriously crunchified. Sarah Michelle Gellar is so darn skinny. I will feel moderately in shape and then watch… Continue reading Buffy Stuff First let me
Check-up I have been just
Check-up I have been just as Sleepy as Peony lately. My diet last week was atrocious due to my street running. Maybe that is it. I have been learning to sew and am enjoying it immensely. I have made a bunch of dresses for my daughter that are adorable. She even has the same sandals… Continue reading Check-up I have been just
Seriously Sleepy Mommy today. I
Seriously Sleepy Mommy today. I am sleepier and stupider than usual today. Not sure what’s going on. Trying to bring household back from brink of systemic failure; not succeeding. A good discussion’s of attachment parenting going on over at HMS Blog. It started with a discussion of babies nursing at night and it’s kind of… Continue reading Seriously Sleepy Mommy today. I
I finally got around to
I finally got around to reading the last “Friday Five” Quiz” and Mr. Luse, I cannot answer number three, not only because I am a lady, but I cannot think of any songs that fit the criteria.
Peony’s This or That Tuesday
Peony’s This or That Tuesday 1. TV or radio? Radio. 2. On the radio: talk or music station? Mostly talk. 3. Actual books or books-on-tape (or e-books)? Real books, all the way. 4. Actual newspaper, or web version? Web on weekdays, print on Sundays. 5. Wall Street Journal or National Enquirer? Neither. 6. TV news…news… Continue reading Peony’s This or That Tuesday
That Friday Five quiz with
That Friday Five quiz with the songs I skipped the Friday Five (the favorite songs topic) last week because I was in a hurry and because it’s been a while since Songs Really Meant Something to Me — I didn’t feel like dredging through my memory for Five Songs I Couldn’t Do Without. I did… Continue reading That Friday Five quiz with
Back to the routine/ big
Back to the routine/ big catch-up blog It’s been a busy week for the Maryland Mosses, mostly socializing (and nobody got sick!) Davey’s mommy mentioned our little visit together (tactfully omitting how Hambet was constantly trying to run away without us.) Hambet and I also got to enjoy two other play dates this week that… Continue reading Back to the routine/ big