Buffyiana as it happens, one of our first posts was about Buffy the Vampire slayer. Last night, Pansy and I were “discussing” Tuesday’s Buffy — more like trying to reconstruct it; it’s hard to follow the plot of a TV show when you’ve got kids climbing on top of your head or trying out their… Continue reading Buffyiana as it happens, one
A little milestone We have
A little milestone We have been blogging for exactly three months now. Thanks to everyone who’s stopping by!
Note to self: Make wedding
Note to self: Make wedding soup and freeze in individual portions, so as not to be caught unprepared when the next wave of colds hits the house.
Home Schooling Stuff Today we
Home Schooling Stuff Today we had a “field trip day.” At noon we attended Mass at Historic St. Mary’s Church in downtown Albany. This Church is absolutely beautiful. It would have been great except during the Gospel, Fastolph proclaimed “my pee pee’s coming out. It’s coming out now.” My husband who is on vacation this… Continue reading Home Schooling Stuff Today we
Oh no, it’s contageous! can’t….form…sentences!
Oh no, it’s contageous! can’t….form…sentences! You have been my blog partner too long! You are suffering from Pansy Moss Syndrome!
How do we keep our
How do we keep our kids from embracing the slacker life? Over at HMS, Kevin Miller blogs a National Review Online article by John Derbyshire. Derbyshire discusses teenage children rejecting sports, school, their parents’ values, their parents — period. Derbyshire points to the lure of a popular culture that glamorizes the bohemian life, in which… Continue reading How do we keep our
Why Us? Is there any
Why Us? Is there any good reason why mothers/wifes always seem to be in the middle? You are the one who cares if the house gets condemned by the sanitation department. You are the one who is supposed to somehow “know” where everybody’s stuff is, what goes with what (I’m talking ties, outfits, etc.). You… Continue reading Why Us? Is there any
This whole Santorum thing just
This whole Santorum thing just shows how stupid we have become. I wrote a little bit in the comments box, but I just wanted to share some particularly obtuse commentary from Sam Donaldson, roughly: I don’t get how Rick Santorum can say he doesn’t have a problem with homosexuality, but does have a problem with… Continue reading This whole Santorum thing just