Oh no! Sinead O’Connor to

Oh no! Sinead O’Connor to retire from the music business! What will we listen to? Whose CDs shall we buy? To whom shall we turn for intelligent, well-reasoned, morally grounded social commentary? Seriously, when was the last time this woman had a hit record? I didn’t know that she was even still in the music… Continue reading Oh no! Sinead O’Connor to

Culture of death watch: Women

Culture of death watch: Women and babies to the back of the plane, please An American passenger feels threatened by a Canadian mother’s breastfeeding? Give me a break! Thanks to jesus gil for the link. There seems to be blame to go around in this situation, but is irrational accusation really the best response to… Continue reading Culture of death watch: Women

Coming soon to our blogroll!

Coming soon to our blogroll! Sparki has Fonticulus Fides up and running! What a cool title! I’ll be permalinking tomorrow (right now hubby needs the computer.) Thanks to Davey’s mommy for the heads-up. UPDATE: The link is up.