A Good Article About Children and the Traditional Latin Mass Thank you again Jeff Culbreath (just love El Camino Real) for the link. One of the reasons why we switched from the Novus Ordo to the TLM had to do with our children’s religious formation. I mean on a personal note, I was getting flustered… Continue reading A Good Article About Children
An interesting read is coming:
An interesting read is coming: Over at HMS Borg, Emily Stimpson is going to be posting from her 30 page paper, The Language of Motherhood in the Body, the Spirit, the Church, and the Trinity. Installment One is up today: “The Stirring Cry for the Mother. I hope she will also post her paper on… Continue reading An interesting read is coming:
What is going on in
What is going on in the world?
Taking candy from a baby
Taking candy from a baby I liked today’s Bleat very much.
Last night’s Angel made me
Last night’s Angel made me chuckle There was a scene where “the Crew” was driving away in Angel’s car trying to escape Jasmine. On the way they were listening to the car radio. I do not have a transcript so it is not exact, but the announcer said something like: In other news, the LA… Continue reading Last night’s Angel made me
Mad Libs: “Life with a
Mad Libs: “Life with a two-year-old” edition Remember Mad Libs? Here’s one from a friend (mother of two sons, one two and a half and the other eleven months) that just about sums up what’s going on at her house and ours: _______ ran out of sight and stole a _____ that was suppose to… Continue reading Mad Libs: “Life with a
“Losing the Culture War”
“Losing the Culture War” Teaching Our Young Ladies to Dress as Young Ladies Jeff Culbreath links to an article that describes first hand the atrocities of young ladies fashion these days. I mentioned that I know first hand how hard it is to find proper clothing for my ten year old. I have only had… Continue reading “Losing the Culture War”
Fastolph getting ready to blow
Fastolph getting ready to blow out his candles I am still not an accomplished digital photographer, so sorry about the blur. I knew I should have asked my husband to take the pictures.