more on the weather I

more on the weather I saw in yesterday’s paper that a big storm rolled through upstate New York and caused a lot of people to lose their power. Pansy, Jeanetta, hope you’re okay!

I thought this question from

I thought this question from Catholic Exchange about why fish is not considered meat was very funny because Posco lectured me last Friday about making fish when we were not supposed to be eating meat.

Who are we to judge

Who are we to judge Christ’s Bride? “If Christ loved the Church, in spite of the iniquities she would commit, pretending to overlook them, who are we to see in the weaknesses and miseries of the Church a reason not to love her and even to judge her? Precisely we, who are so full of… Continue reading Who are we to judge

I think if I or

I think if I or anyone is real life walked around with eye make-up like this, I think it would look really dumb, trendy or not.

Peony’s Friday Five

1. How many houses/apartments have you lived in throughout your life? Eighteen. (My dad was in the military.) 2. Which was your favorite and why? Probably the center-hall colonial our family lived in in the early 80’s. It had enough room for everything, it was within walking distance to school, church, and the pool, it… Continue reading Peony’s Friday Five

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