Mass picnic baskets I agree

Mass picnic baskets I agree with your blog about cry rooms. I will add one more criticism, they always reek of old cheerios. I never understand why people feel the need to feed kids during Mass. Especially when we are supposed to fast before receiving Communion.”Look, it’s Jesus up there on the Altar-have a Pop… Continue reading Mass picnic baskets I agree

I’m not laughing I

I’m not laughing I can hear people outside scraping snow and ice off their cars. In all fairness, we do usually get a last snow storm in April, but it is so weird how that occurs after some nice jacket-wearing and going-out-for-ice-cream weather. I guess “fairness” really hasn’t got much to do with it.

Out of sorts It’s snowing,

Out of sorts It’s snowing, first of all; big, fat, wet white flakes. Weren’t we done with winter? (Stop laughing, Pansy.) My jonquils, which just popped out yesterday all jaunty and yellow, are hanging their heads in defeat. I planted two lavender plants in the front on Thursday; I ran out this morning and covered… Continue reading Out of sorts It’s snowing,

I made waffles for breakfast

I made waffles for breakfast this morning. That is the usual Saturday protocol. I topped it with Vermont Maid brand syrup: “The taste New England loves.” distributed by B & G, Roseland, NJ.