Wow! Greg Popcak Book

Wow! Greg Popcak Book Fans R Us! Davey’s Mommy just blogged about the same book! So funny! We’re into the “attachment parenting” concept, which Popcak does a great job explaining and promoting.

My Spirited Child My Fastolph

My Spirited Child My Fastolph is what Mary Sheedy Kurcinka would probably call a “Spirited Child”. He is full of energy, inquisitive, physically strong, and verbal . I have been having quite a hard time with him. I realised as I mentioned before, that my parenting skills were sorely lacking. A few years ago a… Continue reading My Spirited Child My Fastolph

Grrrrrrr I am really bummed.

Grrrrrrr I am really bummed. There was recently a law suit in New York about the Physics Regents exams. The Board of Regents was being sued because people from some more wealthy areas of NY State were not passing the tests-even though the wealthy public schools were supposed to be the best, and the students… Continue reading Grrrrrrr I am really bummed.

Veggie Tales Well, we rented

Veggie Tales Well, we rented something that was supposed to be a “best of” Veggie Tales — there were supposed to be a couple of episodes and a Silly Songs countdown. But, silly me, I forgot to check the tape before I left Blockbuster and got home to find what was essentially a commercial for… Continue reading Veggie Tales Well, we rented

So Peony, what’s the verdict?

So Peony, what’s the verdict? Did you watch Veggie Tales? Was it King George and the Ducky (one I highly recommend for those new to VeggieTaledom)? What did you think?

Abortion and the Fruits of

Abortion and the Fruits of the Spirit A few weeks ago I blogged about how I did not understand that if abortion is such a good thing, why is everyone that abortion touches so unhappy? I did not understand to what dimension this is true until I read Ashli’s recent blogs from the Abortion Crime… Continue reading Abortion and the Fruits of