In the News The President is holding a press conference tonight at 8:00 PM. The bill in the Maryland General Assembly attacking the seal of the confessional has died in committee. There is some kind of bill in the Maryland General Assembly — I think it’s just been introduced — reasserting a mother’s right to… Continue reading In the News The President
A Lenten offering Are you
A Lenten offering Are you trying to make sincere resolutions? Ask Our Lord to help you to take a tough line with yourself, for love of him; to help you apply, with all naturalness, the purifying touch of mortification to everything you do. Ask him to help you to spend yourself in his service, silently… Continue reading A Lenten offering Are you
Can I make this my
Can I make this my home page? The Curt Jester alerts us to St Anthony’s Search Engine.
So What’s Wrong with AP
So What’s Wrong with AP Parenting? I have been reading Greg and Lisa Popcak’s Parenting With Grace, (which is an awesome book by the way). On page 13 the Popcaks say: Divine Revelation that is at least as important as Scripture-Creation itself-which the Church has referred to as the “Book of Nature.” Why am I… Continue reading So What’s Wrong with AP
Book Report: The Death of
Book Report: The Death of the West by Patrick J. Buchanan A few weeks ago, Pansy came across a blurb for this book in a catalog and blogged on her impression. (At this writing, the archive for that week and only that week is missing, so I cant link to the original discussion.)… Continue reading Book Report: The Death of
Just in Case You Were
Just in Case You Were Wondering… Peony has changed the template colours from Ordinary Green to Lenten Purple. Also, her weather pixie is wearing a daring little black and fishnet ensemble…
The Mighty Barrister tells it
The Mighty Barrister tells it like it is in his comments about a new type of birth control that suppresses menstruation. I don’t think you have to be a “feminist” to see that misogyny is at the base of it. These women can’t see that men are doing this to them in order to make… Continue reading The Mighty Barrister tells it
First Good-Night’s Sleep in a
First Good-Night’s Sleep in a Long Time… I did not realise how badly we were sleeping, I mean with us falling out of the bed, and mattress spings poking me in the small of the back until we slept on our new bed last night. I mean, I knew we needed a bigger bed, or… Continue reading First Good-Night’s Sleep in a