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More Winter Wonderland Whining

Jeanetta Comments:

...I'm dreading going back to Siberia, er, I mean, Rochester. So cold!

OK, driving along the New York State Thruway, the Mohawk River looked like Siberia. It was frozen over with all these like ice chunks sticking out.

The weather is the main topic of conversation when you venture out. Someone mentioned to us that they get up in the middle of the night every few hours (just like we do) to run the water so the pipes do not freeze. Many people have mentioned that cold like this really borders on scary. You start to think not as much in terms of discomfort, but in terms of survival. My husband said, except for the break we should be getting on Monday, January is pretty much supposed to be this frigid.


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feel free to send some snow down this way :)

we run the downstairs bathroom tap at it slowest drip to keep water flowing through the pipes. We are also running a small indoor space heater in the basement. I am very thankful right now that our cats are indoor pets - I would hate to be worried about them in this weather.
Concord NH is nowhere near as cold as some other places, either!

Hey, our master bathroom cold water pipe finally burst today! We've been dripping water through it at night all week. We came home from church today to a waterfall gushing from the top of our garage door!

Thank God the leak was above the garage and not above the HOUSE--and the pipe we needed to fix was behind the closet, not under the bathtub!

My dear husband and his buddy are toiling as I type to get the thing repaired.

I asked him, "Why is is that my blog pals in subzero New England and Upstate NY can worry about burst pipes, but we here BELOW THE MASON-DIXON LINE actually EXPERIENCE them?

What a blessing to have a handy husband! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, Lord!

Oh poor Kathy! Yes a handy husband is a blessing.


Yes, thank God for husbands, especially handy ones! He sure picked a good handy husband for the Blessed Mother, didn't He?

Yes, thank God for husbands, especially handy ones! He sure picked a good handy husband for the Blessed Mother, didn't He?

Yes He did!

My husband was joking the other day about "girly men who don't know how to even pick up a hammer" in reply to remark a family member made making fun of occupations that require physical work. I wasn't really paying attention at the time because when he starts talking fix-it, driving trucks,video games or Dragonball Z, my eyes glaze over. But then I am grateful at times like these.

No tigers in upstate New York, though. Tigers are the main reason that I am itching to visit Siberia. That and to wear one of those cool bearskin caps and say things like, "no, comrade, no word on if and when I will be rehabilitated."

I have stuffed animal white tigers. You can come here, where a hat and pretend you are in Siberia. I will practice my Russian on you, or at least my Russian accent. I can say things like "Da, Comrade".

Aren't white tigers from Nepal, though? Hmmm. There was a time when I thought that I would like to live in extreme cold (Northfield, MN to be exact), but then I came to my senses and moved to Santa Cruz. I have never lived far (more than 20 miles) from the coast ever again.

Seriously, though, I have never been to upstate New York in the winter, although I have seen pictures and it looks beautiful (honestly, it does sort of look like the winter pictures I have seen of the Siberian woods). What sort of wind chill do you have?

Aren't white tigers from Nepal, though?
Oh, well there tigers.

What sort of wind chill do you have?

It has been 15-30 below the past few days. We had wind chills of 58 below a couple of years ago.

Today we had a respie with a high of 27, and I can honestly say it felt like a nice fall day. LOL

Brrrr, stay inside today!