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Pill and HRT drugs cause cancer, say researchers

Oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy drugs have been classified as carcinogenic by the World Health Organisation.

WHO's cancer research group - the International Agency for Research on Cancer - announced yesterday that it had reclassified the pill and hormone replacement therapy from "possibly carcinogenic to humans" to "carcinogenic to humans".



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When one smokes and uses oral contraceptives at the same time, one is at an extremely high risk for hypertension. Heart disease is actually the top killer of women and women are actually 6x more likely to get heart disease as opposed to breast, cervical, uterine, ovarian and all other types of cancer.
Obesity is a leading factor in the high rate of diagnosis and deaths of women. Fat cells are a killer that you can get rid of unless you have liposection. When one diets the fat cells shrink, they don't disapear.
Remember that the "ideal" text book blood pressure is 120/80.
Also watch out for your cholesterol levels and make sure that they don't peak 200 mg/dl. If you exceed 240 mg/dl you will need drug treatment.
The best way to clear you arteries is excerise! And don't go too crazy with the bacon :)

Hi Laura,
I blogged about women and heart disease a couple of years ago. There are some interesting stats there.

But we should also not ignore the dangers of The Pill. Keep in mind that not only is it dangerous to the mother's health, it is an abortifacient, so it also kills babies. That is just the physical effects, not moral or psychological.

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