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let's try this

picture behind the jump

Pansy the Bride


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Peony, you rock!

What a great looking couple you are! It's a lovely picture.

Oh, lovely!
And oddly, you look just as I pictured you.

The other photo was too tiny but this one is a perfect size.

See, Pansy, your scanner works great! The picture looked tiny because the dimensions in the img src code were set small.

And you and your groom and your entourage look magnificent. :)

Thank you!

Well, I am still having trouble with it. I wanted to send some pics to my brother (The Marine in Japan) that someone gave me (a farewell party).I was trying to do the same with some of Dominic's baptism for you. The pictures always scan in the wrong direction or in black and white. I have no patience. Thank God for digital cameras! This is the only picture I was able to decently scan.

She does look beautiful.

What happened to the curly hair? Or is it just the bangs that are not curly? Can't really see the rest of it behind the veil.

You look beautiful, but, in that picture, except for the fact that I know you are bi-racial, I would never have guessed it. :)

What happened to the curly hair? Or is it just the bangs that are not curly? Can't really see the rest of it behind the veil.

Back then I used to perm my hair. It was very long, down to my butt, and I used to wear it in that style where it was long and layered on the sides and I would curl the layers into my face. The perms never lasted more than a few days or so before the curl and the frizz would start to break through. I'd still be left with dry hair, so I stopped doing that.

That day in particular though, I spent quite a few hours having it ironed out (smell somethin' burning?), then it is wrapped up in two rolls in the back. Black salons use old cast iron irons that you have to heat up on the stove or someplace. Electric ones just don't get hot enough.

Chuckling at a memory. Whenever you go to black salons or barbers, for some reason, you can expect to spend a good 6 hours there. I was almost late, and my husband was actually 5 minutes late because he and his boys spent the morning waiting at the barber shop.

I was trying to let my bangs grow out, and my hairdresser convinced me I needed bangs that day. He was always trying to cut my hair.

You look beautiful, but, in that picture, except for the fact that I know you are bi-racial, I would never have guessed it. :)

No, I am extremely fair. I want to say I take after my father, but he even has a darker, Italian complexion. I have a lot of pink undertones. I burn very, very easily, while my dad can sit in the sun all day and just soak it up. I have a lot of my mother's features though.

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