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Summer Movies

So, so far we have seen:


I didn't expect much, so I ended up enjoying it. I liked that it continued from the second installment of the Christopher Reeve films.
Lois Lane left a lot to be desired, much like the old movies, as I cannot figure out what he sees in her. There is a twist, which I will not reveal.

Pirates of the Carribean

I liked it, but I don't know how to say anything about it without spoiling it.I liked it, but literally, I had no idea where the plot (or if there was one) was going until the very, very end. If you go see this and have not seen Number 1, you have got to rent the first one, or else you will be so lost.


A bit too long, but it ranks on the side of Adam Sandlers less annoying films. I thought it was cute.
I cried at the end, but it could be hormones.

The Break-Up

I liked this a lot. I really thought they captured a common friction point between man/woman relationships very well, and how people resort to manipulation tactics to try to fix things. I really cried at this one.

Stick It

It was the second feature after Pirates of the Carribean. I slept through most of it. It seemed to me like a 13-year old girl's movie, but RoseyPosey told me she thought it was really silly.


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What? No "Cars"? Hambet and I have seen it twice!

You know, the funny thing about Pixar movies is that I absolutey hated Toy Story and it always takes some major arm twisting to get to see another Pixar film. Oddly, after I saw Finding Nemo and especially The Incredibles, I loved them. Monsters Inc. was OK, I loved Boo, but I have a Billy Crystal meter that can only take so much.

Seriously though, in the summer, what we do is go to the drive-in, $20 for two films for thr car load. Then RoseyPosey's best friend's family own the closest drive-in, so we go and she gets to hang with all her 13-year old girlfriends.

When Cars was playing, it was a few weeks ago in the middle of all these rain storms, and drive-ins suck in the rain. It's all mud and fogged up windows.(I don't know if you got any news about Montgomery County, NY, but many of the little towns here are/were underwater, so it is in a State of Emergency). I think it was playing with Over the Hedge.

I don't like Adam Sandlers movies much either, I think the only movie I've like that he was in so far was the Wedding Singer.

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