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God, A Small Favor Please

I am 37 weeks and 1 day today. I am having some small indications that labor might be commencing sooner rather than later. I am kind of not ready for sooner and hoping God holds off a bit. My birth kit is coming tomorrow, I have to get the tub, diapers, and figure out a name for a boy in case it's a boy baby...

It seemed like a few days ago I had all the time in the world, now it doesn't seem like that.


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Ohhh! Keep us updated! Hoping it doesn't come too quick!

Pansy, if you have a minute, could you email me? I have a sort of Latin-Mass-in-NY-related question for you. Thanks!! I'll pray for you that the baby comes at the right time.

You will be in our prayers. I remember telling my husband that we were not going to have a second child because I did not know who would watch our first child. I was 8 1/2 months pregnant at the time. My husband did not think that was an option. Fortuneately people helped after I asked and our second child was born.

Prayers for a safe delivery for you and the baby.
I hope a little later rather than sooner! ;)

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